Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Fire Emblem: Seima no Kōseki
The continent of Magvel has long enjoyed peace among the six nations; Renais, Frelia, Jehenna, Rausten, Grado and Carcino. 800 years ago there was the War of the Stones, a war in which the nations battled for supremacy and the right to control an ancient artifact that would allow a person to have unlimited power. They came to a truce and split the artifact into multiple stones, each nation having a stone of their own. For 800 years, this peace has lasted, but that is about to change...
Without warning, the Grado Empire launches an assault on their neighbors, destroying villages and creating mass carnage and mayhem in a bid for the power of the Stones once more. Setting its eyes upon the country of Renais, the Commander of the Grado forces sends a powerful battallion of its best warriors to overtake the capital in a decisive strike. Led by the feared
General Valter, their debauchery will sink to new levels as they butcher their way across the landscape in their conquest of the capital.
In the castle of Renais,
King Fado recieves word of the Grado army's advancement. Acting swiftly, he sends for
Commander Seth, telling him to take
Princess Eirika, the king's daughter, and flee the castle to get her to safety.
Princess Eirika and
Seth follow the Kings orders and flee, nearly too late as the castle is descended upon by the vast Grado army.
Eirika decides after her escape to pursue her twin brother,
Ephraim, and
join up with him to combine their forces and together overthrow the Grado Empire. Beyond that however, a childhood friend appears, one who may be more of a wolf in sheep's clothing. Will they ever save their kingdom, or will it be destined to fall into ashes, destroyed by the villainous Grado Army?